Detailed Planning Management

Detailed Planning Management

 Detailed Planning Management

Detailed Planning Management
The detailed planning stage is the full and complete planning stage before the project is put out to tender. At this stage, the project manager must minimize the potential risks while taking all the means at his disposal for receiving information and delivery to the client/contractor. Detailed planning focuses on making the plans for execution combined with other promotional activities required (including expropriation, detailed coordination of infrastructure and annoyances disposal). At this stage, the involvement of the project manager should be expressed as a field person who knows the limitations of the design and uses his own experience and knowledge, in order to complete the tender documents, so that they meet the execution demands.
As part of the services to the customer at this stage, we provide, among other things:
  • Review plans of planning team to ensure completion of tasks, implementation of tasks, etc.
  • Advice to planners regarding the method and execution of the technical provisions in the various disciplines.
  • Coordination, synchronization and management of the engineering aspect with the legal process (tender), as well as examination of the tender documents professionally and administratively.
  • Examine the budget estimation and quantity calculations submitted by the planners, including issuing appropriate opinions.
  • Prepare project construction schedules.
  • Preparing cash flow for construction.
  • Updating risk survey and verifying its veracity and reliability.
  • Completion of tender documents (including the management of the procedure with the legal and economic advisers).
  • Execute the expropriation procedure, as required.

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